"hockey is like life..... it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority"
Latest News and Results...
7 pm - 8.30 pm
Langley School, Langley NR14 6BJ
We are all looking forward to the challenges of the new season and to seeing everyone again after the Summer break. New members always welcome, please email to advise of attendance (so we know to look out for you!).
Ladies of all ages welcome
New members are always welcome - if you're aged between 13-60 and want to get fit, have fun and brush up on your hockey skills come and join us! We welcome players of all abilities and enquiries any time of the year.
Just remember to bring shin pads - we can provide hockey sticks. First session is FREE after that a nominal fee of £4 per training session, concessions £2. Annual membership fee also payable which includes training fees, please see 'Membership' page for full details.
For more information please contact Nicola on the 'Contact Us' page.
Help the Club & Join our 'Easy Fundraising' Page
Thank you so much to all our supporters for helping us to raise £924.57
via Easy Fundraising during the past few years.
Your support really does make a massive difference to
Loddon Women's Hockey Club.
You can continue to make a world of difference to our cause and raise donations with everything you buy online. Start shopping!
Loddon Hockey Club Sponsors...

Loddon Hockey are currently looking for new sponsors for the 2024/25 Season onwards. If your business is interested in supporting a local grassroots hockey club - we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact our Chairperson, Elizabeth Skinner - or find details on the Contact Us page.
Up-Coming Fixtures
Training Information:
From mid-August to end of March
training takes place every:
Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 8.30 pm
Pitch Location:
Langley School, Langley Park, NR14 6BJ
Want to play hockey?
New members always welcome.
Fancy a game of hockey? Used to play at school? Why not try your hand again at hockey. It's a great way to get fit and meet a friendly bunch of local ladies!
For more information contact Nicola on
07446 942098 or via the 'Contact Us' page.